Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

This page shows how Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire is ranked for the following 5 ‘composite’ measures of social mobility:

  • Childhood poverty and disadvantage
  • Precarious situations
  • Promising prospects
  • Research and development
  • Socio-cultural advantage

Each of these measures combines data from 3 indicators into a single ‘composite’ score. This provides a more reliable picture of geographical mobility patterns.


For each composite measure, 41 regions in the UK are ranked from the lowest to highest values. They are then divided into 5 equally-sized groups (‘quintiles’), from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).

For example, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire ranks in the of regions for .


Quintile 1
(lowest 20%)
Quintile 5
(highest 20%)

Districts in the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire region

ITL3 areas: Derby, East Derbyshire, South and West Derbyshire, Nottingham, North Nottinghamshire, South Nottinghamshire

Local authorities: Derby, Bolsover, Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire, Amber Valley, Derbyshire Dales, Erewash, High Peak, South Derbyshire, Nottingham, Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Mansfield, Newark and Sherwood, Broxtowe, Gedling, Rushcliffe